Rohit Mishra
I have been suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis since long and have regular pains in various joints.
I have tried lot of allopathic treatment but their effectiveness is just temporary.
Subsequently I started consuming naturally grown black turmeric of AyurAranya which has shown quite positive results.
In less than one month my necessity to take pain killers have reduced and I am feeling much strength in my joints.
Thanks to AyurAranya and all the best to them for helping people with their naturally grown products.
Atharva Muley
My father is Type 2 diabetic patient from 10 years.
He was taking Insulin from many years. And recently by insulin, some times his sugar level got low.
Hence we decided to stop insulin and start ayurvedic treatment and Black Turmeric.
From past 45 days he is consuming Black Turmeric powder grown by Suyesha ji from Ayur Aranya Farm. The results are very good.
His sugar levels are coming down slowly and he is not taking insulin at all.
Additional benifits are that he is feeling energetic.
Thanks Suyesha ji for doing such efforts by growing black turmeric and processing it naturally.
Parag Kulkarni
Hello Suyesha ji
To let you know
Today my Lipid profile reports came.
Last 3 years my
Cholesterol was not backing down and was always very high category *240+*
Even after taking Cholesterol medicines like Rosuvas it was still around *205*
I am not a smoker, no alcohol.
Only non veg is my staple diet and Milk I need
*Changes I made*
A2 Gir cow milk (since last 6 months)
Black Turmeric and pepper (since last month)
Today my Cholesterol is in nominal range of *160*
Thanks to A2 milk and Black Turmeric plus some excersise able to get rid of bad Cholesterol now no medicine needed.
Will check after two months without medicine if it is still at 160 and below I am free.
Parag Kulkarni
More Reviews
Ashutosh Jaiswal
काली हल्दी में जो चमत्कारी औषधीय गुण है वह मानव जीवन के लिए जीवन दायिनी है ऐसा मैं इसलिए बता रहा हूं मेरा बीपी और शुगर पिछले 1 वर्ष से लगातार बढ़ता ही जा रहा था सितंबर माह में जब मैंने अपना बीपी और शुगर चेक कराया तो शुगर 380 और बीपी 240 /130 पाया गया मेरे डॉक्टर ने मुझे दवाई बढ़ाने की सलाह दी मैं पहले से ही शुगर और बीपी की दवा दोनों टाइम लेता था फिर मैंने अपने नेचुरल फॉर्मिंग मेक ईजी ग्रुप में मैंने अपनी इस समस्या का उल्लेख किया फिर सुयशा कपूर दीदी (आयुर अरण्य - औषधीय पौधों की प्राकृतिक खेती एवं आयुर्वेद सार संग्रह ) ने मुझे काली हल्दी के बारे में बताया और खाने की सलाह दी मैंने तुरंत उन्हीं से काली हल्दी मंगवाया लगभग 20 दिन खाने के बाद मैंने अपनी शुगर बीपी की जांच करवाइए मैंने देखा मेरा शुगर 148 और बीपी 124/84 था फिर मैंने निरंतर इसको खाना शुरू किया आज मैं पूर्ण रुप से अपने आप को स्वस्थ महसूस करता हूं और शरीर में एक अलग तरह की एनर्जी मिलती सुयशा कपूर दीदी को धन्यवाद कहना चाहता हूं उन्होंने मुझे इतनी अच्छी जीवन दयानी दवा दी |
धन्यवाद दीदी
Hey everyone My Name is shalini and I have been using Suyesha
Kapoor’s Organically grown Black Tirneric from their farm Ayur Aranya for over a month now and have seen insane development regarding my migraine and overall immunity.
I used to get migraine thrice a week atleast and now I’m hardly getting it once a week even after weather changes.
The intensity of my migraine has reduced plus my gut health has improved and my body is lighter as Well and I’m really grateful to Suyesha Kapoor for recommending me and my family this product
Subhajit Banerjee
After suffering from covid I have got High BP, sugar and other health issuses like cold and cough. I started using Ayur Aranya's Black Turmeric and within a month all the three problems are now under control, I used to take Insulin 32 unit on daily basis now it has come down to 10. I would liike to mention the follow - up and encouragement to take the doses on time. Really thankful
Subhajit, West Bengal
Hi...I just want to share the benefits I got after taking Black turmeric from Suyesha's own Farm AYUR ARANYA..I have been taking organic black turmeric since 3 months....I feel improvement in immunity...even though I get cold it didn't affect me much..stress and sinus headache, sleep has been improved...I like to continue the herb to lead helthy life and so sharing my experience with you all to get the more benefits with this wonderful herb. Thanks Suyesha ji for recommending this herb to our family.
Hi, 2 months ago Suyesha Introduced me this "organic black turmeric" cultivated from her farm AYUR ARANYA, I recommended it to my mother who is 51 years old. She used for a few weeks and now headache has gone down a lot. She Says her body is light and comfortable while her immune system increases. That's an amazing Ayurvedic remedy. Thank you Suyesha for making us more aware of Ayurvedic herbs.
We Started using this product after reading reviews of other people only. My mom has migraine ailment, which triggers frequently here and there because of multiple reasons, she started taking black turmeric from the last 30 days, she is really happy with it as even after exhaustive work... she has not undergone any migraine or tiredness as well. Her Immunity level has also increased.
Everyone in our family has fallen sick due to climate change but she was immune to this.
Thanks Suyesha Ji for creating awareness and helping us in providing most valuable and quality product ( black turmeric )
Ashish Kamani
I came to know about Ayuraranya from my close cousin after he insisted me to use their ayurvedic products. Let me start by saying I had a chronic migraine since I was in class 4th. Since then I have tried numerous products in homeopathy, allopathy and other ayurvedic products. Firstly they use to give relief for some days but it was all the same after few days. I used to take pain killers almost 7 to 8 times in a month. Now since I have started taking black turmeric as prescribed by Suyesha Ji I have received wonderful results. Now my migraine is well under control, the intensity and frequency both has reduced substantially. I am so thankful to her for helping me out from this habit of taking pain killers. I recommend people who have migraine to consult her and make their life easy going as I am enjoying my normal life..
Ashish Kamani
From past 2 years I have been suffering from cold and cough multiple times and many times I had to unwillingly go for Allopathic medicine to get relief. Then I came to know about black turmeric from Suyesha ji, and started taking this from last one month and miraculously cough which was going intense got controlled and was cured in some days.
I have also been suffering from acne issue from past couple of years and surprisingly within last one month Its been a clear face now. Amazed and surprised from multiple benefits of this one ayurvedic medicine.
Thank you Suyesha ji
Anand Verma
I was suffering from sever lower back pain and migraine since last 2 years. Lower back pain is not allowing me to sit for more than half an hour. I have taken several medicines and did what not over period of time. Then went through reviews of using black turmeric, posted by Suyesha Ji on back pain and migraine, I thought of taking another chance. After using it for last two months, I am experiencing positive results in both migraine and lower back issues. Many thanks to Arunaranya for helping me and hope I will get rid of my back pain and migraine very soon.
Manisha Shinde
ASI Yogendra Chhindwara
Jay Hind everybody.
I was suffering from frozen shoulder and spinal cord pain, so after consulting Sankalp ji, I ordered black turmeric from Suyesha ma'am and as per her advice, I took black turmeric for about a month, which gave me a lot of relief from the pain. I had gone home on leave, during that time my son who is 15 years old was having pus* coming out of his ear and he was very upset due to this, at the same time his 11th class exams were going on. My son's maternal uncle, who is an MD in body medicine(Ayurveda), saw black turmeric near me and asked him to give him dhupan, in which guggulu and black turmeric were put in the fire of cow dung cakes and its smoke was put in the son's ear. We are troubled by the problem of pus* coming out of the son's ear since he was 8 years old, but this problem had stopped two-three years ago, at this time we were very worried and with the smoke of black turmeric and guggulu, in just three days, the son's condition started disappearing. The pu* has stopped coming from the ear and now the same dhupan is going on continuously, now its pain has also stopped. Really the turmeric sent by Suyesha maam is very beneficial, for this we express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to her.
Hemant Shinde
My wife was facing a lot of issues, specially post pregnancy effects like hair loss, irregular periods, acne and body weakness.And she has undergone a lot of treatment, mostly Ayurvedic medicines, but still we were not able to see any substantial improvement.Then based on our discussion a few months back and basis your advice, she started consuming Balck turmeric powder dose a month back.And we could immediately see the effect.She is definitely feeling better in terms of the energy levels and her improved immunity.Also the hair loss has gone down and haven't seen any acne since last one month.I hope over a period of time her health will get more improvements.Seeing this we as family has started consuming the Black Turmeric, including my kids, just to get the benefits out of it.
Thanks a lot to you for suggesting and providing us with the right natural product with guidance over the consumption.
Rajendra Chauhan
I am using black turmeric sourced from Suyesha ji from last 2 months. Initially I was not regular in taking it but since last one month I am regular and pain in my knees has reduced to 60%.
It's wonderful experience
Anju R Naik
Suyesha ji pleased to inform you that since consuming Ayuraranya's black haldi My family and I we have all individually seen improvements in our health. My husband's sugar levels have been in control for the first time in 20 years, his forgetfulness has reduced considerably. I have seen a consistency in my weight despite of not exercising on a daily basis and my daughter's insulin resistance has reduced considerably and her appetite has reduced and so has her craving for sweets. All in all I would recommend consuming black haldi on a regular basis. It takes time, but the results are great.
Hi Suyesha Ji, this review is in context of the black turmeric powder I had purchased from you for my ailing grandfather suffering from severe leg pain due to old age who is also suffering from cancerous tumour in the intestine.
My grandfather had undergone multiple surgeries and chemotherapy treatments to eradicate and control the growth of cancerous tumour. Owing to which side effects were nerve damage which resulted pain in the right leg below the knees.
I was looking for a pain relief medication other than the morphines which were usually prescribed by the doctors for pain.
While a pain relief patch of Fentanyl (morphine) is still used but pain was still present but after consuming the black turmeric for over a month pain has considerably reduced. 🙂
This is surely a supplementary herbal medication for pain.
I recommend to procure it from Suyesha Ji who delivers the best quality sundried black turmeric on time at a nominal rate benefitting everyone for any pain.
Thankyou once again Suyesha Ji for the magical herb and the consistent moral support. Namaste🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Anita Kurella
I purchased black turmeric from ayur aranya for my son about a month ago, who is asthmatic. And the effects will come slowly but they are really effective. he used to cough in his sleep all the time, but now the coughing has reduced. it has also increased his immunity. Intend to continue for a longer duration. Thank you Suyesha Ji for ur suggestions.
Anju R Naik
Suyesha ji pleased to inform you that since consuming Ayuraranya's black haldi My family and I we have all individually seen improvements in our health. My husband's sugar levels have been in control for the first time in 20 years, his forgetfulness has reduced considerably. I have seen a consistency in my weight despite of not exercising on a daily basis and my daughter's insulin resistance has reduced considerably and her appetite has reduced and so has her craving for sweets. All in all I would recommend consuming black haldi on a regular basis. It takes time, but the results are great.
Hi Suyesha Ji, this review is in context of the black turmeric powder I had purchased from you for my ailing grandfather suffering from severe leg pain due to old age who is also suffering from cancerous tumour in the intestine.
My grandfather had undergone multiple surgeries and chemotherapy treatments to eradicate and control the growth of cancerous tumour. Owing to which side effects were nerve damage which resulted pain in the right leg below the knees.
I was looking for a pain relief medication other than the morphines which were usually prescribed by the doctors for pain.
While a pain relief patch of Fentanyl (morphine) is still used but pain was still present but after consuming the black turmeric for over a month pain has considerably reduced. 🙂
This is surely a supplementary herbal medication for pain.
I recommend to procure it from Suyesha Ji who delivers the best quality sundried black turmeric on time at a nominal rate benefitting everyone for any pain.
Thankyou once again Suyesha Ji for the magical herb and the consistent moral support. Namaste🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Anita Kurella
I purchased black turmeric from ayur aranya for my son about a month ago, who is asthmatic. And the effects will come slowly but they are really effective. he used to cough in his sleep all the time, but now the coughing has reduced. it has also increased his immunity. Intend to continue for a longer duration. Thank you Suyesha Ji for ur suggestions.
I want to share my experience of using Ayur Aranya black turmeric.
Past a month i am consuming it,i am really benifited more by it .
My energy levels have increased and my walking rate is doubled..
Thanks Suyesha for recommending this to me.
The best part is it's grown in their own farm,organically !!
Sunita Negi
My Heartfelt Gratitude to Ayur Aranya for Black turmeric powder,it helped me immensly in my chronic Migrane,Thank you so much For your Advices and Black turmeric Powder
Hi Suyesha Ji
First of all.. Thank you for the wonderful miracle product . Right from packaging till delivery everything was just smooth .This product has indeed changed me. Before consuming this my HBCA1 report never used to come down . It was always at 8 . After consuming this along with medicines currently it is at 6 which is incredible. Not only this .. my energy levels are also on the higher side . Overall getting a good night sleep too. God bless you . Thank you once again .
Dear Suyesha Ji,
I have been suffering from migranes for the past few years. I've been using your black turmeric for the past 2 months and have noticed positive changes. I used to avoid going out in the direct sun as it triggered a migrane. However, in the past 2 months, even after going out under the direct sun, the migranes have reduced by a significant amount alongside its severity.
Thank you so much Suyesha ji for providing me with the right product. I'm also thankful to Sankalp ji for directing me towards you. I hope to get complete rid of my migranes soon.
- Ranita
Happy to share one more thing with you , that I feel my period problem is also regularised.. from past 1 to 1.5 years.. it used to come 2-3 days early... Initially it was 24 days.. but starting 2-3 days early made it 21/22 days only.. so was feeling it too early.. because it used to come every 21/22 days only.
But after taking Ayur Aranya black turmeric from past 3 months.. every month it started on 24/25 days only... I feel there is some hormonal balance happened as well.. So happy to share with you this as well 😃🙏🙏
Dr Sanjeet Kaur
I am suffering from Knee pain from many yeras oFF and on and tried many medications but i noticed that Ayur Aranya black turmeric powder worked wonders and we also noticed that our immunity also improved a lot. now i have thought of recommending to our patients also
I was diagnosed with L4-L5 slip disc in 2013 and I recovered in 2015. In 2018, one fine morning, I experienced an acute pain in my lower back and hips which I had never experienced before. It was not the kind of pain which I used to feel when I had a slip disc. It was affecting the quality of life. I had consulted many doctors in Bhopal. I even went to Nagpur for a consultation. None of the doctors were able to figure out the exact diagnosis. MRIs of lumbar spine and SI Joints were absolutely normal. In January 2022, I met one of the top surgeons from Mumbai. He told me that I have Schmorl's nodes and I have to live with the pain. He was the only doctor who didn't prescribe any medicines. I had spent a huge amount of money on consultation and medicines in the last 4 years. I had almost given up and made up my mind that I have to live with this pain. I used to cry at times because of acute pain.
Cut to June 2022. I found my guardian angel - *Suyesha Kapoor ji* from Hyderabad. She has been part of our *natural farming made easy* family since beginning. She advised me to start taking *black turmeric powder* along with black pepper powder. I started taking it religiously from June 2022 and the pain gradually reduced in six months. I am pain free. Yes, there are days when I still feel slight pain but the intensity and frequency has certainly reduced. She has an in-depth knowledge about Ayurveda and I liked the way she follows up with me and asks about my health. Suyesha ji, I can't thank you enough. Stay blessed and stay happy! More power to you! Happy Farming! :)
First of all i want to say something about the owner of this venture -Suyesha ji- The kind of energy and drive she puts in to get a good quality product is just amazing. not only is her product , but she has genuine concern about the people who take it and constantly follows up with them to ensure they get the maximum benefit. Think of it like a teacher who will guide you in all steps and ensure you come out with flying colors. Her interest is not just in giving a high quality product and selling but to ensure the overall wellbeing of the people who consume it. This is true healing and compassion. If only all the sellers think this way on how this benefits all humanity , the world will be a better place. Hats off Suyesha ji for all your efforts ! My observation from using Khali haldi for last 3 months now.. 1. Mentally i am more determined ( food and consumption is more measured) . I think it's the sankalpam ( determination) which is more important. 2. See good amount of energy through the day.. 3. Can do with Less sleep. 4.Digestion and metabolism improvement 5. Also stopped taking coffee and just more healthy habits like ashgourd juice etc. helped. 6. overall 5/5 for this product. It is like a magic potion which helps overall not only the body but also the mind in making us achieve things. 7. The benefits which this product says is genuine and Suyesha ji will ensure you have all the help needed. Like a doctor she has your case file and will check up on you most of the time. Keep up the good worok Suyesha ji. You have a kind and big heart and the great product which you give to us is a testament to your effort !! Namaste and wish you all the best !!
Payal Moar
Suyeshaji 🙏🏻
I would like to say a big thank you from the bottom of my heart for Ayur Aranya Black Turmeric. As you know Suyeshaji I am/was(I wrote both 😊 because I don't know what my condition is) chronic Astha patient and I used to take Asthma medicine for the last seven or eight years. By God's grace, we met and you told me about this product I have started consuming it over the last two or two and a half months, and the great thing is I have stopped all my medicines since last month. And I am not facing any problems. I hope this will remain the same in the coming winter Thank you once again 🙏🏻lots of blessings
Gaurav Wagh
I got a packet of black turmeric of Ayur Aranya a week ago. It's smell was defining itself as a natural product. My wife was not able to sit properly due to severe backache. MRI and x ray was normal so doctor suggested her anti inflammatory drugs which only works for a period but pain was continuous. Within 2-3 days of consumption results were amazing. It really worked. Special Thks to Suyesha ji for support and timely adviced and very friendly nature. It's a genuine product. And it's strongly recommended for those who have the similar issues
Rohini Yadav
It has been 3 months of consuming the black turmeric powder and it has been working magically on my body. My sugar levels have stabilized. I am feeling much more energetic throught the day. Extremely greatful to Ayur Aranya for its black turmeric powder.
Snigdha Potra
I am using Black Turmeric Powder from the last 2 months for my back-pain and sciatica condition. I found immense relief, the intensity of inflammation of joints (especially the back) has reduced. The powder is pure, effective and above all made with lots of care. Suyesha ji's positivity and support is reassuring. My 75 year old aunt has also started using it for her knee pain, we hope for further relief as we use it regularly.
Meera Sandilya Vats
दीदी आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद मुझे काली हल्दी लेने से मेरी पूरी बॉडी में पेन रहता था मैंने इसको एक हफ्ते लिया वन टाइम लिया वन टाइम से ही मुझे बहुत बेनिफिट हुआ ह ै और मेरी बॉडी का पेन ठीक हो रहा गया है फिर से आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I also want to share my experience with u, first of all thanks alot for your efforts to give blessings in form of black turmeric with love and care.
As per discussion with you, I had extreme ankle pain.
I have taken black turmeric powder from last 1 year and I almost forgot about my ankle pain
मेरे mother को काफी परेशानी थी joint pain की. उन्हें arthritis की प्रॉब्लम है. मेडिसन चल रही है पर आप की black हल्दी लेने के बाद से उन्हें काफी आराम है joint pain मे. Swelling भी कम हुई है पैरों में.. 🙏🏻